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Is Shipping Damage Hurting Your Brand?

Is Shipping Damage Hurting Your Brand? Grand Rapids, MI

Shipping damage leaves your company vulnerable to negative online reviews. Over time, shipping damage will hurt your brand and drive customers to your competition. This is why it’s important to use protective packaging materials so items arrive at their destinations intact. Once you lose good standing with customers, it’s difficult or near impossible to get it back.

Are you doing everything you can to protect your brand? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I monitoring online reviews for mentions of shipping damage?
  • Am I looking into recurring issues mentioned in online reviews?
  • Am I using the right protective packaging?
  • Am I using enough protective packaging?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, continue reading to learn how to start protecting your brand.

Monitor Online Reviews

For better or worse, the internet has made it easy for your customers to post online reviews. While most business owners expect positive reviews, this may not be the case if you aren't using enough packaging materials like foam inserts and protective bubble sheets.

Customers get upset when they wait days (or weeks) for packages to appear on their doorsteps, only to realize the items inside are broken. Not only will you have more customers calling to ask about your return policy, but it'll hurt your brand in the long run. To learn more about this, read our blog post on what the “Amazon Effect” means for protective packaging.

People are more motivated to write reviews when they're happy or upset with a product. If you have a reputation for not protecting items during shipping, you can bet that this will come up in more than one online review. Ultimately, too many negative reviews could turn away customers and hurt profits.

Read more: How bad packaging affects your business >>

Address Recurring Issues

Nothing scares away leads more than negative online reviews. As a business owner, it's your responsibility to monitor reviews so you can spot recurring issues. While we understand it can be difficult to accept critique, it's important you check for legitimate complaints that affect customer service.

If you have more than one online review referencing shipping damage, give us a call. We'd be more than happy to walk you through your options for packaging supplies. You may discover that you're not using enough bubble or that a different packing material would be more appropriate for the items you ship.

If you aren't sure whether you're using enough protective bubble sheets, gently shake the box and listen. If you can hear the items rattling inside, you're not using enough bubble. To streamline the shipping process, you may want to buy our bubble bags on a roll for your assembly line.

Prevent Shipping Damage

We can help you find the right protective packaging for the items you ship. For example, we may recommend pink anti-static foam for shipments of electronics. Like the name suggests, anti-static foam is designed to slowly and safely dissipate electrostatic charge.

To fully protect your items during shipping, you'll most likely need more than one packing material. For example, while small bubble can protect a TV screen from getting scratched, you'll also need a larger size bubble to prevent impact damage. That way, the TV won't get damaged during shipping if the package is dropped or jostled.

Value Your Customers

Your customers expect their items to arrive intact and on time. If you consistently deliver damaged products, your customers won’t feel as though you value their business. This makes them more likely to leave your company for the competition. We recommend using the right type and amount of protective packaging so you can prevent shipping damage and maintain positive relationships with your customers.

Request a Quote From Us

Premier Protective Packaging is a packaging material converter that serves clients across the United States. To learn more about our packing foam and protective bubble sheets for sale, call (616) 791-7400. You may also fill out our contact form to request a quote.

What Can We do For You?

We supply our customers with high quality protective packaging products, on time delivery and total customer satisfaction. View our product brochure for more info.