To protect fragile items for shipping, use wrap each item individually in bubble, stack where you can, utilize stretch film, fit items in the right box, and fill extra space with packing peanuts. As a business owner, your reputation depends on your products arriving intact at their destination. bubble rolls, bubble sheets, and more. To make things easier, we’re going to use the example of a set of plates you’re trying to ship to a customer.
can result in negative online reviews of your company and decreased customer satisfaction. In this blog post, we will go over how to withWhat You’ll Need:
Wrap the first plate in small bubble (3/16” bubble) with the bubbles facing in. Making sure your bubble faces the right side is important to protect your packages.
Tape the middle and ends of the small bubble sheet so it stays in place.
Each plate will need to be wrapped individually.
Although they may not seem like they’ll bounce around, they will. When it comes to fragile items packing, it only takes one forceful bump to break one fragile item against another. And trust us, the mail truck is going to hit plenty of bumps.
Whether it’s plates, cups, snow globes, or other fragile items for shipping, you’ll want to try and minimize as much empty space as you can.
Stack the bubble-wrapped plates together and then wrap them with large bubble (1/2” bubble) with the bubbles facing in. Remember that the right size bubble is important! Tape the ends of the bubble so the plates stay together. You may need to trim the ends of the big bubble sheet if there is excess material (which you can save for later needs!)
acts a lot like the clear plastic wrap you use in your kitchen. Not only is it stretchable, but it also sticks to itself so you don’t need to use tape. You’ll want to in stretch film at least three of four times in two different directions.
This helps ensure that the package is snug and won’t come unbound in any unexpected commute problems.
The right size box is crucial when
. While it may be tempting to use what box size you have available, it’s not worth the cost of broken items and customer dissatisfaction.It may seem like more of a cost upfront, but the right packaging supplies will save you money in the long run.
A box too large means that your items are in the boxing ring. Although securely wrapped, they are still breakable. And even though your box might be snug inside a truck, the access space inside the box could be enough room for a fragile shipping disaster.
There should be about 1/2” of space on all sides of the item you wish to ship.
The half-inch allows for an object to have enough room to move little to prevent
from ruining your day, while not having so much room that it breaks during a nasty bump.First, use two layers of tape on the bottom of your box so you can be assured the bottom won’t give out during shipping.
Then, fill the bottom of the box with one or two layers of packing peanuts. Next, you’ll want to place the item on top and fill the rest of the void space (that half-inch) with packing peanuts.
The general rule of thumb is to put in enough packaging material that you can’t hear the items shake in the box. However, too much bubble or other materials can strain the top of the box and cause it to burst open during shipping, so be mindful of how much space you’ll need to close the box. The top of the box should always lie flat.
If the contents of a box are breakable, you’ll need to write “FRAGILE” in big letters in several places. If your business regularly ships fragile items, you may want to consider having a fragile stamp made. Doing this extra step while
will alert delivery companies that they need to handle certain packages with care.Even though we used the example of plates, you can apply these tips to packaging other fragile items.
It’s a package’s best friend! If you are unsure what bubble products are right for your business, we recommend you reach out and contact us as your bubble manufacturer. Premier Protective Packaging is proud to offer bubble products for customers throughout the United States. If you are interested in learning more about bubble, foam sheets, or other packaging materials, feel free to give us a call at (616) 791-7400.
We supply our customers with high quality protective packaging products, on time delivery and total customer satisfaction. View our product brochure for more info.